My Neck, My BACK!
We all know the famous song by KHIA but yeah, I'm gonna just lay it out there now and say this ain't it. Last year today on July 22, 2016 I was involved in an on the Job vehicle collision which resulted in me Fracturing my neck, lumbar, and cervical spine. I won't re-tell the entire thing here, follow my personal IG page for the full story @jaye.teee. The reasons for the post is to hopefully inspire someone out there who is struggling, or have struggling w/the curve balls life can and will throw at you! & If you're reading this thinking you haven't faced any trials you thought you would never make it through, just keep living! After the accident I went through a period of time where I lost myself. I didn't know what happened to there person I once was, I just felt lost. I had lost all creativity, all passion and desire for the things I once enjoyed. I was just another human, here going through the motions.... I felt like I had lost grip on my own life, and I was just here surviving...existing! Misunderstood was an understatement. I've never prayed so hard in my life! My faith was tested to the MAX. I said all of that just to say this, I have been there and YOU are not alone! For me, it took losing EVERYTHING important down to the bare motor functions of my neck & back to realize that life is too short to live DULL. Go out and CREATE the reality and the life you Imagine for yourself and your family! Dig deep inside yourself and find that thing the makes you happy and stick to it! I like to help others and make folks laugh myself so that why I started this blog/vlog. BUY that plane ticket. START that website. DATE that person. TAKE that risk. OPEN your mind. LOVE more than you HATE. TRAVEL. BE YOU. LIVE FREE. SPREAD POSITIVITY. & most importantly, BE HAPPY! I hope this helps someone to live freely and unapologetically.
Peace, Love, & Blessings to all.